Friday, December 30, 2011

Brewing - end of the world stout

I decided on this brew for a few reasons. I have been slowly upping my abv in big brews - 10% belgian strong dark, 12% barleywine - and thought it was time to go all out.
I also wanted something that I could age until this time next year. What better way to celebrate the end of the world than a 20% chocolate stout?
I dont get to brew that often, so to keep the pipeline going, I wanted a quick beer also.
I have done partigyle and double batch brew days, but decided on a new strategy for this one - brew 7.5 gals of strong beer. Ferment 5 as is and water down the other half to 5% ish beer.
After initial ferment, i will feed corn sugar to the big beer until it cant take anymore.

Full, think mash in 10g cooler
   Base Recipe:
   23#  Maris Otter
    2#   Flaked Barley
   13oz Chocolate malt
   13oz Roasted Barley
    4oz  Black patent
    6#   LME added to boil
    5oz  Northern Brewer hops (60 Minute)
    8oz  Coco powder added in last 20 minute

    Mash 60 minutes @ 152dg
    Split wort 5 gallons to EWS stout
              2.75 gallons to Chocolate stout

26.2 Brix = 1.11sg  Not bad first runnings

  End of the World Stout:
     Pitch 2 packs Nottingham dry yeast
     Once ferment slows, start adding corn sugar 8oz/12hrs
      Try to keep grav low 1.02's
      Add 2oz coco nubs and a vanilla bean
      let sit 2 weeks or more

      Secondary months on 1oz oak
      Bottle in time for drinking 12/22/2012
      I would suggest force carbonating this one

First and Second runnings

   Chocolate stout:
     Pitch 1 pack S-04 dry yeast
     Add 2oz coco nubs + Vanilla bean to primary
      let sit 2 weeks or more
      Keg and enjoy!    

The boil
The brew session was a success.  Mashing 27# in a 10gallon cooler was tight. I normally aim for 1.25 qt/#, but had to go with 1.1qt/#, which is quite thick. Sparge was slow, but didn't stick. 
I ended up with 5 gals of 1.1sg for the EWS and 5.25 gals of 1.055sg for the Chocolate stout (After adding 2.5 gals spring water)

1 comment:

  1. Recipe here:
