The beer is dark, almost black with ruby red highlights and a tan head. Aroma of roasted malt with hints of wood smoke. The smoke is more prominent in the flavor, backed up by the roasted malts. It is full bodied and smooth.
I like how this turned out. I think the 5# was just the right amount of smoked malt for what I was looking for.
I will be enjoying this over the winter months.
I like how this turned out. I think the 5# was just the right amount of smoked malt for what I was looking for.
I will be enjoying this over the winter months.
10/7/12 - Brew OG=1.052
+Nottingham Yeast
10/27/12 - Secondary - SG=1.009
Nice smoky aroma and some in the flavor. Dark.
Lost a lot to trub - only 4 Gallons in secondary.
11/2/12 - Bottled 4 gals of Smoked porter FG=1.009 ABV=5.75%
+ 2.9oz sugar