Braggot, being a mead, gets more than half of the fermentables from honey. The rest are from Malted barley. Some versions have hops, but even in those it is usually light. I made
this kit just over a year ago. It spent almost 8 months bulk ageing before I bottled.
Pours with a small head that lasts a minute or two.
Slight haze that prevents it from being crystal clear. The photo makes it look much less transparent.
Aroma of light honey and maybe a little apple? It does smell similar to my cider...No hops in the aroma.
The flavor has really mellowed over the last few months. When they say this needs some age, they are right, but the waiting is worth it. A little cidery floral character mixed with malty alcohol. Not bad for a 9%abv drink. Still a little sweeter than I like.
Medium carbonation with enough to feel the bubbles, while leaving it a bit creamy. Mead often finishes very dry, so it must be the malt balancing it out. It did finish with a final gravity of 1.025. Higher than expected.
This is a good sipping drink - perhaps for desert. It is better than straight mead that I have tried so far - Not that I have had many to compare.
This is not a chugger, but I also don't have any problems finishing 12oz at a time. Will look forward to see how it develops over the next few years.
12/25/10 - Present from Lauren
6lbs pilsner LME, 9lbs wildflower honey, 1oz ? Hops 20-min, D47 Yeast
1/1/11 - Brewed OG=1.095 (Should have been 1.011) (Was over by 1/2 gal)
2/5/11 - Secondary G=1.025
Taste - Interesting ... sweet with a little graininess
4/16/11 - G=1.025.
Moved to boiler room to warm up. Also swirled.
Still a little sweet, but not 'meady'
6/22/11 - G=1.025
Good clarity. flavor mellowing. light, sweet mead. bottle soon.
7/17/11 - Bottled + 3.5oz corn sugar G=1.025 ABV=9.5%
6x1L, 1x.5L, 30x12oz
7/25/11 - Sampled 1st bottle- Slight hiss, but not carb'd yet. Little sweet, slight "meady"
Left a bottle with my sister after helping her move - Joanne said "'Braggot' is delicious!"
8/14/11 - drank bottle - getting good. Light honey flavor, not hot at all.
2/6/12 - This tasting!